Dungeon Defenders DLC Review
September 09, 2012
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After the success of this game on PC, gaming enthusiasts can expect more features added for Dungeon Defenders DLC. The fact is Dungeon Defenders has been sold more than 500,000 copies. Now, with the release of DLC, you can expect more features, new challenge missions with the addition of a new map. The game itself will be broken into 4 chunks. Each release will include new items, new missions, a new boss, a new enemy type and also a new pet. If you love this game and want to get a more challenging version of this game, this latest version is definitely your great choice.DLC With More Features and Missions
The new game will have more Dungeon Defenders items that you can collect. With the addition of some new items, players will have more choices available when they want to create a strategy. They can go with a strategy that they are comfortable with or they can also modify their strategy. As for its difficulty level, players can choose whether they would play the new campaign on an easy mode or a more difficult level. When players choose to play the new campaign on an easy mode, they have a fighting chance to complete the game with the hero starting around level 20. In a normal mode, your hero should be about level 40, ad for hard, it should be level 60 and for insane mode, your hero should be about level 70. During the game play, you should understand that each boss will have specific weak points and weaknesses. It means that you can’t apply the same strategy to different bosses. Some bosses even come with puzzle elements. While it will require a different strategy in order to beat the bosses, there are also new enemies in this game. The new enemies will have different capabilities thus you have to apply a different strategy in order to beat them.
More Fun and Challenges
With the addition of new missions available in this game, you can expect a more fun gaming experience when playing Dungeon Defenders APK. The game itself will be available in some different platforms such as PS3 and XBOX. This game will be released in 4 sections with each section will be sold for $3.99. If you love a tower defense game and want to get a more challenging game, this one could be your right choice. Dungeon Defenders DLC is expected to offer a more challenging gaming experience especially with the addition of some new missions and enemies available on this game.
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