Dungeon Defenders Tips For Multiplayer
September 15, 2012
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If you like Dungeon Defenders, you should learn some Dungeon Defenders tips first before going further. Playing this game with more players can be very fun as you can create a good team work. Collecting items, weapons and pets would be a lot easier if you can share some tips with other players. The best part is you can create a strategy that works best when used in multiplayer. For more information, let’s learn some good tips when playing Dungeon Defenders with many players.More MANA, Better Stats
When playing with other players, you should understand that you can’t collect MANA for yourself. By leaving all gear drops on the floor, you can ensure that each player will receive MANA in a fair amount as the game will do it automatically for you. When dealing with the maps, there is no need to be an expert. The key is to know on how to use the best defenses on each Dungeon Defenders map and where the choke points are. Knowing about this will help you to pass every mission in a more fun way. During a build phase, you are allowed to change your class. If you play solo, the best classes to choose are the apprentice and the squire. Both the apprentice and the squire offer turret type defenses and physical blockades which will be very helpful when slowing down or stopping incoming creeps from reaching the crystals. Although you can use the monk or the huntress when playing solo, using these classes are not recommended. There are also some easy ways in which you can collect more MANA, loot and experience. By replaying the early levels, you will get easy MANA, experience and loot. When it comes to repairing, it would be better if you repair all your defenses in the build phase. Repairing all of your defenses in a combat takes longer so it will make the battle becomes more difficult.
Scoring Systems
Knowing the score system will help you to take the best action when you want to earn more points. The score system is based on three aspects: player and team bonuses, speed to complete the mission and killing enemies. There are also some wave bonuses you should know such as immortal, first kill, janitor, invincible, strategist and lord. Knowing about these Dungeon Defenders tips and Dungeon Defenders guide will help you to earn more points and pass every mission in a more effective way.
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